Cloud City Sonata

Roxanne has a problem.
She's lost her body.
When an accident during a perfectly ordinary an engagement leaves his latest client stuck in a 3-eyed, 3-legged soma, and two other versions of herself running rampant in Cloud City, it's up to Dakota Gold to find her original body.
Before she does.
Dakota Gold
Vic CollinsValentine "the Veterinarian" Voight
Michael FreemantleRoxanne Webb, Roxy, & Roxanne Prime
Emma LaslettScrew-Loose Lugh
Moira DaykinMetalmouth/Engstrom
Kit PatersonThe Neurosomatasist
Daisy McNamaraWesting Garrison
Amy YoungArcher Garrison
Alain F. D'RegelRobobutler & Transit Announcer
James BigRobomaid
Mel Nichols
Written By
Ash SeguinteEdited By
Erik Seguinte
Ash Seguinte
Murder at 1.28 Hertz

Everyone has a past. Even those of us who have gone to great lengths to erase any evidence of who, and what, we were.
When the daughter of an old friend comes to Gold Standard for help, Dakota must decide what's more important-- friendship, or forgetting.
Dakota Gold
Vic CollinsValentine "the Veterinarian" Voight
Michael FreemantleGeorge "Ray" Rayburn
Written By
Ash SeguinteEdited By
Erik Seguinte
Ash Seguinte
Cloud City Sonata
Dramatis Personae
Westing Garrison
Archer Garrison
Roxanne Webb (the Client)
Dakota Gold
Metalmouth (AKA Engstrom)
Roxanne Prime
The Neurosomaticist
Screw-Loose Lugh
Valentine Voight
Character art by Kit Paterson
Cast & Crew
Alain F. D'Regel
Alain is a lad of 3 cultures: Mexican, French, and American. Lived in 3 separate countries and traveled to even more, he has a good head when it comes to global experiences as well as languages, being able to speak English, French, and Spanish. Though he had this wonderful opportunity, it wasn't what would really give him happiness in life. Instead, it was the arts Alain had encountered that would inspire him, specifically, acting. And so he delved in, getting into theater, doing some silly voices while reading, and eventually moving on to getting a microphone, a small studio, lessons, and more. Of course, he had the company of his dogs along the way: Pepper, Rita, Ziggy, and M. There is one negative we can point out about this man: He is awkward as fuck. [He can be found on Twitter and BlueSky.
Cloud City Sonata
Archer "Archie" Garrison
Amy Young
Amy is best known for learning a Transatlantic accent in 2 months, having a pretty good documentary voice, and asking way too many questions literally all the time. She is a US based voice actor, writer, sound designer, and occasional composer for several podcasts. In addition to acting in Cloud City Sonata, Amy has worked on Blake Skye: Private Eye as an actor/writer/editor, in various spots in SINKHOLE in voice and composition, and she has worked on other Law of Names properties such as Breathing Space, Translating Arcadia, para/Normal, and Devoid of Space. When not working on podcasts, she can be found writing, making music, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. You can find Amy on Twitter and Bluesky at @achill3a.
Cloud City Sonata
Westing Garrison
Ash Seguinte
Ash is an aggressively enthusiastic creator-of-things in Northern California.He's queer & autistic, and didn't understand till recently how much of what he makes & how he makes it are informed by that fact. He also lives with a collection of physical & mental diagnoses that largely get in the way, but have, at least, been named.He has been writing since forever, and professionally for over a decade, and has been making scripted audio content since 2020.He's the one behind Law of Names Media.
Series Creator
Daisy McNamara
Daisy McNamara is a voice actor, audio editor, showrunner, and eel enthusiast. You can find her work on Eeler’s Choice, SCP Archives, Waterlogged, and more. When he’s not podcasting, you can find him sewing, knitting, or knee deep in the nearest salt water.
Cloud City Sonata
The Neurosomaticist
Emma Laslett
Your local British trans VA/streamer/disability activist/quizzer, Emma is here to play all the weird little messed up freaks available. You can find them succumbing to the inevitable hand of hubris three times a week on Twitch (also archived for posterity on YouTube), or hear her in Starfall, Chaika, Inn Between, or many other good podcasts (all listed on her Podchaser), as well as shouting incoherently and making esoteric jokes on Twitter and/or BlueSky. Or, y'know, turn on a British quiz show at random and you've got like a 40% chance she'll be there in a dramatic outfit.
Cloud City Sonata
Roxanne, Roxy, Reproxanne, Roxanne Prime
James Big
James is a professional programmer-botherer, amateur illustrator, writer and voice actor, indie TTRPG enthusiast and award-winning cosplayer hailing from somewhere in the vicinity of Portland, OR. He's written for and appeared on Breathing Space and the sci-fi horror anthology podcast Devoid of Space, and has also appeared on para/Normal and the actual play podcast Unspeakable Distance. He is almost certainly, at this very moment, overthinking something. You can find him on Bluesky or Twitter, or follow the Tumblr blog he mostly forgets he has.
Cloud City Sonata
Transit Announcer
Kit Paterson
Kit is an illustrator and voice actor based in Manchester, England. Along with Cloud City Sonata, Kit's voice can also be found in Do You Copy?, Cooking (With) The Smiths, and many other audio dramas here and there. He is also one of the writers and voices for upcoming Sci-Fi podcast Minus 219, and the creator of Rhapsody of the Exiled, an audio retelling of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Cloud City Sonata
Mel Nichols
Mel (she/her) is a stage-turned-voice actor, director, and writer who is really just three niche references in a trench coat. Her work can be heard in Breathing Space, para/Normal, and Devoid of Space, or in the upcoming Beyond Help and Goldenrod. Outside of the audio drama-verse she is a yoga instructor and avid crocheter with an ever-growing TBR pile and list of recipes to try. She lives in southeast Pennsylvania with her cats, Johnny One Note and Mr. Business (also a voice actor you can hear in Breathing Space).
Cloud City Sonata
The Robomaid
Michael E. Freemantle
Mike never knows what to put in these, but here he goes anyway. From the south of England, he started doing voices through playing TTRPGs with his friends, and eventually wound up auditioning for Law of Names. So far, he's having a great time. Can occasionally be found on Tumblr.
Cloud City Sonata
Valentine "the Veterinarian" Voight
Moira Daykin
Moira is a writer, designer, trans-rights activist, attempting voice actor, and coffee addict. Found in the ruins of a meteorite, and raised in Scotland, she still has no idea what being an adult is, or what a "Gender" is. (If it even is a real thing).Moira discovered her love for podcasting when she realised she could still act, but didn't need to actually remember the lines, and didn't have to worry about actually looking other actors in the eyes when saying silly lines.Based in Edinburgh, Moira writes both fiction and non-fiction. Her fiction is the upcoming weird and wild and trans podcast "Project: Daydream". Her other works revolve around her talking about video games and things she likes over on YouTube. It's more autistic info dumping, but as video essays...
Cloud City Sonata
Screw-Loose Lugh
Vic Collins
Vic was born halfway up a mountain and his hobbies all include pretending to be someone else and his favourite food is scenery. He lives in London with his wife, two sons and a collection of board games.Vic has been working on Law of Name projects since they started making audio dramas and will be the last one here when they turn out the lights.He prides himself on being a character actor in audio drama podcasts, most notably with the Bloody FM network, SINKHOLE and Blake Skye, Private Eye. He also appears in the visual novel Ravager.He also regularly streams digital board games as the vtuber Loxley for Satyricorner. He can be found here on Bluesky.Dakota Gold is his first role as a series lead.
Cloud City Sonata
Dakota Gold
About the show!
"It was a cold day in Cloud City. Every day is a cold day this high up. We were well into the second half of the year, nearly at the end of the ride up the gravity well, and every strut, support, and doorway was jeweled with methane ice. I shrugged deeper into my anco, and wished I'd indulged in an insulated rebreather..."Transhumanist noir mystery stories, featuring Jupiter's finest private investigator.